Sandra Oseji
2 min readDec 1, 2020


Happy birthday to Me.

2nd December, 2019, that was what I had to say about my birthday. I have been excited about my birthday this year for the very same reason. I am reminded that I lived through one of the darkest moments of my life and I survived and came out on the other side, and for that reason I have been grateful.
Also grateful for friends. I had thought I’d use this birthday to celebrate the friendships in my life. Even those that exist only for the fun and distraction.

My life has been fuller this past year, and I do not take it for granted that I have you guys. This birthday isn’t about me. It’s about Lami, who didn’t judge, about Demilade who showed up and shows up for me. About friendships I lost and got back, about the new people I met in the past one year, about those who send me random VNs, about old friends I reconnected with, old friends with whom I never lost contact, I feel really grateful for all of you. Sometimes loneliness and exhaustion makes me believe that I have nobody, but I know it’s not true. I know that somehow there’s a village of people who want the best for me.

Anyway. I am celebrating completing another year alive. I don’t think it’s fun, but I won’t lie, the people make it worth it. I am grateful for you all.
What I really want for my birthday is for you to take yourselves out and live your best lives today and send me pictures of you doing that.

Also, please send me dollars.

Stay Jiggy and Healthy.


